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simple factory building

an analysis of the pencil office's "simple factory building" in singapore


William DiNapoli

Midterm Project

UC Berkeley || Spring '20

Through a process of research, design, and speculation, our studio looked at various precedents. By piecing together architectural documentation, as well as the cultural and artistic context of these projects, we used a process of assessment, interpretation, reduction and abstraction to model and analyze a building "slice".

By taking a "slice" through our building, we were to reveal relationships between four main categories: spatial organization, structure, envelope, and performance. 

My project analyzes the relationship between the performance goals of passive cooling/air circulation, and the aesthetic decisions of the shading device. A thick parametrically-designed veil wraps around the entire building, hiding the hanging glass panels of operable windows. A central atrium allows airflow up and through the building from an open-air first floor. 



shading devices: veil


final design

exploded axonometric diagram

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